How You Can Effectively Celebrate Others
How You Can Effectively Celebrate Others
Of course the first thing we think of is a Holiday party, some kind of formal team building event, or get togethers during an All Scribes Meeting. Those are no-brainers in celebrating together and we sure do those well! Plus, when it comes to showing weekly appreciation, no one does snacks in the break room better! But is that all celebrating together means -donuts and single appreciation?
Why Is Showing Appreciation Important?
In the hustle and bustle of our job it can sometimes be easy to overlook or forget to thank people for the little things leading to a culture of thanklessness or under-appreciation. Studies show that 70 percent of participants were happier at home when recognized at work! Wow, who knew that appreciation at work would impact someone’s home life? That means that something as small as an appreciation note can make a significant impact.
Let’s Dig Deeper
For anyone who has received a special or unexpected Thank You from a co-worker or even a superior, you know the feeling that something as simple as an email in which the sender CC’s your whole team, or a even a post-it note stuck to your computer screen can give you. On our journey of learning how to appreciate and celebrate the little things, we can all benefit from doing something special for another, especially during the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season.
Do Handwritten Thank You Notes Really Work?
Outward expressions of appreciation are at the very core of most company values, whether it is employee or client appreciation we should all strive to put forth the effort. Taking the time to handwrite a thank you is impactful and meaningful no matter the employee level because it not only shows that you took the time to think about what you wanted to say but, in an age of tech, you took the care to write it down.
“I know for me a thank you card I received just last month from another employee literally made my week. I wanted to send a thank you note for the thank you note! It just makes you aware that someone appreciates you (and your work/attitude, etc) and puts an extra skip in your step (at least for a few days). I encourage everyone to put this into practice for their personal and professional life and see what that does long term for you and the relationships with the recipients. Who knows – maybe you will start a new trend where thanks you’s don’t come through a text,” said Michele Roatché Williams, Director of Ops Support (Staffing & Scheduling) at PhysAssist.
Make Others Look Good
When you boil it down to what it REALLY means to celebrate together it comes down to “always making the person next to you look good”. It’s pretty simple – if they look good then you look good. When I first started with this company, unlike many others, I was well into my professional career and “making others look good” was a foreign concept to me. In the classroom, on the sports field, and at work it was all the same in my mind – do what it takes to win. Always win and whatever other people do… well that is up to them. Remember, that old coach saying, “There is no “i” in Team”? Yeah, there really is something to that. Celebrating what others do by recognizing them, ensuring they get credit, and sometimes setting others up to be the center of attention, it all comes back ten-fold. When everyone around you also succeeds then the whole game elevates. Not just yours. So it comes down to one simple question. Do you want to live/work in a hospital or office where you are the only superstar? I hope the answer is no because you would miss tons of growth opportunities. Let me clue you in… if the whole company is thriving so will you! Financially, sure but more importantly you will thrive developmentally and enjoy your job more – it all ties together.
Recap Time!
When you take the time to recognize others (for even the small things) and make an outward expression of appreciation you can single handedly change someone’s day, increase yours and their job satisfaction, and elevate your company! For me celebrating with our team and celebrating our talents and accomplishments keeps me coming to work, focused on doing everything I can every day to ensure our scribes, our providers and our clients have the staff and schedules that let them do what they do best – serve our community.
How Can You Start Celebrating Together?
So think about “What can you celebrate this Holiday season?” and go celebrate – in all of the many ways whether it be spotlighting others accomplishments, writing a thank you note or grabbing a piece of that cookie cake make sure that you celebrate not just the big accomplishments but recognize the small things! Now get out there and start appreciating others.
—Peggy Fredrickson, Marketing Communications Specialist