More Pets, Less Vets: Battling Veterinarian Burnout in a Post-COVID World
Veterinarian burnout has reached its boiling point. Now, animal care providers are searching for solutions to improve ROI and generate a healthy work-life balance for their employees.
Big Response in the Big Apple
Speke supports frontline provider documentation during the early COVID-19 response at New York's Central Park Field Hospital
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The Data Won’t Change. Stop Surveying Your Providers On Burnout.
If your organization is serious about addressing clinician wellness, you don’t need another survey to do it. Burnout is a…
New Perspectives in 2024
There’s a reason ScribeAmerica has been named one of the best places to work, two years in a row. We…
Human Scribes are Still the Key to Cutting-Edge Technology, But Don’t Discount AI
Our Executive Vice President of Speke, Vadim Khazan, sat down for an interview with Co-Founder and Chief Editor of Healthcare…
The Data on the Impact of Scribes on EHR Burdens
60% of surveyed physicians reported that the use of virtual scribes enhanced their relationship with patients. And even more, 65%,…
From VMX 2024: Vet Administrative Strain is Real
The 2024 Veterinary Meeting and Expo in Orlando was once again an outstanding gathering of the veterinary community. Doctors, techs,…
Looking Back on 2023
2023 has been a year of incredible opportunities and changes in healthcare and ScribeAmerica and its partners have continued to…
ACEP Day 2 | Burnout
Physician recruitment and retention are some of the hottest topics at ACEP 2023, but they’re symptoms of the same root…
ACEP Day One | Cost Compression
Our first day of the ACEP Scientific Assembly 2023 has left us with lots of things to think about. We…